Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
What is MS?
Immediately after someone finds out that I have MS and gets the "Isn't that what Montel Williams has?" question (Yes, it is by the way) and the confused sympathy "Oh I'm so sorry to hear that", I inevitably get "What is MS?" or "How does MS effect you?". Since I had this run in in real life recently I thought I would give you some more info about my "lovely" disease. Today I will go in to what Multiple Sclerosis is. Next week I'll go into how it effects me and the over 2 million others worldwide that have MS.
Further the NMSS states: MS is Thought to be an Autoimmune Disease. This means the immune system incorrectly attacks the person’s healthy tissue.
The body’s own defense system attacks myelin, the fatty substance that surrounds and protects the nerve fibers in the central nervous system. The nerve fibers themselves can also be damaged. The damaged myelin forms scar tissue (sclerosis), which gives the disease its name. When any part of the myelin sheath or nerve fiber is damaged or destroyed, nerve impulses traveling to and from the brain and spinal cord are distorted or interrupted, producing the variety of symptoms that can occur.
In my words: MS is a nasty disease that has a bunch of different symptoms for different people.
1st think of your nerves like wires, the important stuff is on the inside moving "electricity" from one point to another, that is the nerve fibers. Then you have the coating on the outside of the wire to protect the stuff inside so everything can move from point to point with out interruption, that is the myelin. When something happens to that all important coating shorts can happen. Either the electricity doesn't make it from point to point or it's delayed getting to its destination.
So when my body decides to attack my nervous system it causes damage to the myelin. This can just be a little knick that causes small interruptions all the way to where strips the whole coating and possibly even causes damage to the nerve beneath breaking the connection completely. Once the attack is over my body tries to fix the damage it caused but the best it can do is leave some scar tissue behind, these are lesions/sclerosis. Think of taping over the damaged wire with electrical tape, sometimes it works, sometimes it sort of works but not like it did before the damage, and sometimes it stops working all together. The same thing goes for nerves.
There are 4 courses the disease can normally take: Relapsing-Remitting, Primary-Progressive, Secondary-Progressive, and Progressive-Relapsing.
NMSS defines each course as follows:
Relapsing-Remitting (RRMS) - the most common disease course - is characterized by clearly defined attacks of worsening neurological function. These attacks - which are called relapses, flare-ups, or exacerbations - are followed by partial or complete recovery periods (remissions), during which symptoms improve and there is no apparent worsening or progression of disease. Approximately 85% of people with MS are initially diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS.
Primary-Progressive (PPMS) - This disease course is characterized by slowly worsening neurological function from the beginning - with no distinct relapses or remissions. The rate of progression may vary over time, with occasional plateaus and temporary minor improvements. Approximately 10% of people are diagnosed with primary-progressive MS.
Secondary-Progressive (SPMS) - follows an initial period of relapsing-remitting MS. As a person transitions from RRMS to SPMS, the disease begins to worsen more steadily, with or without occasional relapses, slight remissions, or plateaus. As long as the person continues to have relapses, the SPMS course is considered to be both progressive and relapsing.
Progressive-Relapsing (PRMS) - the least common disease course - is characterized by steadily worsening disease from the beginning, but with occasional relapses along the way. People with this form of MS may or may not experience some recovery following these attacks, but the disease continues to progress without remissions. PRMS is considered to be both a progressive and a relapsing form of the disease because people experience steady disease progression and relapses.
Since no two people have exactly the same experience of MS, the disease course may look very different from one person to another even within the same course.
So that is the break down of "What Is MS?"
What is MS?
According to The National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS): Multiple sclerosis (or MS) is a chronic, often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. Symptoms may be mild, such as numbness in the limbs, or severe, such as paralysis or loss of vision. The progress, severity, and specific symptoms of MS are unpredictable and vary from one person to another.Further the NMSS states: MS is Thought to be an Autoimmune Disease. This means the immune system incorrectly attacks the person’s healthy tissue.
The body’s own defense system attacks myelin, the fatty substance that surrounds and protects the nerve fibers in the central nervous system. The nerve fibers themselves can also be damaged. The damaged myelin forms scar tissue (sclerosis), which gives the disease its name. When any part of the myelin sheath or nerve fiber is damaged or destroyed, nerve impulses traveling to and from the brain and spinal cord are distorted or interrupted, producing the variety of symptoms that can occur.
In my words: MS is a nasty disease that has a bunch of different symptoms for different people.
1st think of your nerves like wires, the important stuff is on the inside moving "electricity" from one point to another, that is the nerve fibers. Then you have the coating on the outside of the wire to protect the stuff inside so everything can move from point to point with out interruption, that is the myelin. When something happens to that all important coating shorts can happen. Either the electricity doesn't make it from point to point or it's delayed getting to its destination.
So when my body decides to attack my nervous system it causes damage to the myelin. This can just be a little knick that causes small interruptions all the way to where strips the whole coating and possibly even causes damage to the nerve beneath breaking the connection completely. Once the attack is over my body tries to fix the damage it caused but the best it can do is leave some scar tissue behind, these are lesions/sclerosis. Think of taping over the damaged wire with electrical tape, sometimes it works, sometimes it sort of works but not like it did before the damage, and sometimes it stops working all together. The same thing goes for nerves.
There are 4 courses the disease can normally take: Relapsing-Remitting, Primary-Progressive, Secondary-Progressive, and Progressive-Relapsing.
NMSS defines each course as follows:
Relapsing-Remitting (RRMS) - the most common disease course - is characterized by clearly defined attacks of worsening neurological function. These attacks - which are called relapses, flare-ups, or exacerbations - are followed by partial or complete recovery periods (remissions), during which symptoms improve and there is no apparent worsening or progression of disease. Approximately 85% of people with MS are initially diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS.
Primary-Progressive (PPMS) - This disease course is characterized by slowly worsening neurological function from the beginning - with no distinct relapses or remissions. The rate of progression may vary over time, with occasional plateaus and temporary minor improvements. Approximately 10% of people are diagnosed with primary-progressive MS.
Secondary-Progressive (SPMS) - follows an initial period of relapsing-remitting MS. As a person transitions from RRMS to SPMS, the disease begins to worsen more steadily, with or without occasional relapses, slight remissions, or plateaus. As long as the person continues to have relapses, the SPMS course is considered to be both progressive and relapsing.
Progressive-Relapsing (PRMS) - the least common disease course - is characterized by steadily worsening disease from the beginning, but with occasional relapses along the way. People with this form of MS may or may not experience some recovery following these attacks, but the disease continues to progress without remissions. PRMS is considered to be both a progressive and a relapsing form of the disease because people experience steady disease progression and relapses.
Since no two people have exactly the same experience of MS, the disease course may look very different from one person to another even within the same course.
What Causes MS?
While the cause (etiology) of MS is still not known, scientists believe that a combination of several factors may be involved. Studies are ongoing in the areas of immunology (the science of the body’s immune system), epidemiology (that looks at patterns of disease in the population), and genetics in an effort to answer this important question. Understanding what causes MS will be an important step toward finding more effective ways to treat it and—ultimately—cure it, or even prevent it from occurring in the first place.Who Gets MS?
~MS is significantly more common (at least 2-3 times) in women than men.
~MS is not directly inherited, but genetics play an important role in who gets the disease.
~While most people are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50, MS can appear in young children and teens as well as much older adults.
~MS is present in all parts of the world, but MS is more common at northern latitudes that are farther from the equator and less common in areas closer to the equator.
~MS occurs in most ethnic groups, including African-Americans, Asians and Hispanics/Latinos, but is more common in Caucasians of northern European ancestry.
So that is the break down of "What Is MS?"
Next week I will go into how MS effects me and others with the disease.
I need to thank The National MS Society for the sharing of information that I posted here today.
If you would like more information on MS or ways to support NMMS please visit The National Multiple Sclerosis Society's web page.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Hump Day Review - Adult [Sex Toy]
Once a month or so I will be doing a Hump Day Review. These reviews will be adult in nature.
This week I was contacted by Eden Fantasys to see if I wanted to do a review of one of their products. Having a small "toy box" in our bedroom I decided to take them up on the offer.
This week I was contacted by Eden Fantasys to see if I wanted to do a review of one of their products. Having a small "toy box" in our bedroom I decided to take them up on the offer.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Free sample of Crystal Light Pure Fitness!
Click here to get your free sample of Crystal Light Pure Fitness! (Must be a member of VocalPoint, but it's worth the join!)
Nuero Update
Yesterday I had my nuero appt.
No "bad" news but it sure wasn't good news. Nuero believes my latest issues aren't a flare up - that's good - but he does think they are just a "progression" of my MS symptom - not good! To be sure he is sending me for a new MRI to check if there is any new "activity" and he put me on steroid for a week to help reduce any inflammation that "might" be there causing the issues.
Not to bad but now we have to fight with my insurance to get them to cover the MRI. Otherwise it's going to be my full deductible out of pocket for this. Hopefully they will be receptive this time.
Anyone have experience with insurance companies and how to work with them to get this covered?
No "bad" news but it sure wasn't good news. Nuero believes my latest issues aren't a flare up - that's good - but he does think they are just a "progression" of my MS symptom - not good! To be sure he is sending me for a new MRI to check if there is any new "activity" and he put me on steroid for a week to help reduce any inflammation that "might" be there causing the issues.
Not to bad but now we have to fight with my insurance to get them to cover the MRI. Otherwise it's going to be my full deductible out of pocket for this. Hopefully they will be receptive this time.
Anyone have experience with insurance companies and how to work with them to get this covered?
Follow Me Back Tuesday!
Follow Me Back Tuesday is hosted by Survey Junkie, Little Yaya's, Review Retreat & Boobies,BabiesAndABlog..
How it Works
1. Add your blog to the list ( only have to add once )
2. Grab our NEW button & the link code to post on your blog.
3. Follow all 4 hostesses above & then as many other blogs as you would like.
4. After you follow a new blog make sure you leave them a comment letting them know that you are now a follower so that they can follow you back. Don't forget to return follows!
2. Grab our NEW button & the link code to post on your blog.
3. Follow all 4 hostesses above & then as many other blogs as you would like.
4. After you follow a new blog make sure you leave them a comment letting them know that you are now a follower so that they can follow you back. Don't forget to return follows!
Special thanks to- for our fab new button!
After this week there will be a new link code available for you to grab every Tuesday at 12:00 AM Est. on all 4 Hostesses Blogs.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Off to the Nuero
All right everyone wish me luck - I'm off to the neurologist. Hopefully nothing big going on! Fingers crossed!
Busy Weekend full of firsts!
We had a busy weekend.
We got our 1st hair cut
Had our 1st sucker
And went to the zoo with some friends
Friday, May 21, 2010
Fawk You Friday
It's that time again! What's your beef for this week? Anyone/anything you want to say Fawk You to? It's okay-it's not a bad can say it proudly! :)
Fawk You to the idiot robbers... for robbing my neighbor and keeping me up all night.
Fawk You to my uterus... is it really necessary to cause me horrendous pain, you already "leak" for 5 days straight.
Fawk You to my MS... for keeping me in constant pain for weeks on end.
Fawk You Friday
Regularly Scheduled Post on Hold - Police Happenings Instead
I had a great review I was going to do today for an awesome product by Eden Fantasys that I was going to post today, but I'm putting that on hold till next week. Truth be told I am way to tired today to give a good well written review right now.
Its been an exhausting week so last night I decided to try and get to bed early. I managed that and was nicely in dreamland when I was so loudly interrupted just after 1am by a lovely police officer yelling at someone to freeze and get on the ground right outside my bedroom window and his partner running through our backyard! I jumped up to the window to see one officer pinning someone down and handcuffing him and the other officer searching our backyard.
Some little punks (well I shouldn't say little he was probably in his late 20s early 30s) decided they were going to rob as many unlocked cars in my neighborhood as possible. According to the officers someone had seen them walking through our neighborhood, which is unusual to see someone walking at 1am around us, and called the police. When the police came to investigate they happened to see these guys rummaging through my neighbors car, which just happens to be parked, you guessed it, right outside my bedroom window.
An hour later, after helping the police search our backyard for a cell phone in the pitch dark, there was no way I was going back to sleep yet. We talked to our neighbors for a few, I got on Facebook and cussed out the stupid crooks for a few, and still sleep was not going to happen. By this time it's just after 3am so I figured I find some silly infomercial and laugh at that for a few. Well needless to say that did it, next thing I know it's 5am and my alarm is yelling at me to get out of bed.
So no review from me today, I'll share next week when I can actually do this awesome Eden Fantasys product justice.
Its been an exhausting week so last night I decided to try and get to bed early. I managed that and was nicely in dreamland when I was so loudly interrupted just after 1am by a lovely police officer yelling at someone to freeze and get on the ground right outside my bedroom window and his partner running through our backyard! I jumped up to the window to see one officer pinning someone down and handcuffing him and the other officer searching our backyard.
Some little punks (well I shouldn't say little he was probably in his late 20s early 30s) decided they were going to rob as many unlocked cars in my neighborhood as possible. According to the officers someone had seen them walking through our neighborhood, which is unusual to see someone walking at 1am around us, and called the police. When the police came to investigate they happened to see these guys rummaging through my neighbors car, which just happens to be parked, you guessed it, right outside my bedroom window.
An hour later, after helping the police search our backyard for a cell phone in the pitch dark, there was no way I was going back to sleep yet. We talked to our neighbors for a few, I got on Facebook and cussed out the stupid crooks for a few, and still sleep was not going to happen. By this time it's just after 3am so I figured I find some silly infomercial and laugh at that for a few. Well needless to say that did it, next thing I know it's 5am and my alarm is yelling at me to get out of bed.
So no review from me today, I'll share next week when I can actually do this awesome Eden Fantasys product justice.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Apply for a Bra Makeover from Playtex!
Seven out of 10 women are wearing the wrong size bra. So think of 10 of your friends and if you can count 7 of them that seem to have a proper fitting bra, then this contest is for you.
We know that busy moms don't always have time to update their bras or even check to make sure they are wearing the correct size. Wrong size bras can result in an ill fit for the rest of their outfit, back and shoulder pain, as well as bruising and digging.
That's why I am letting you know about this contest from Playtex!, a site where women can go to apply for a bra makeover or nominate a friend. If chosen, the winner will be flown to New York to receive a Bra Makeover with style expert Alison Deyette. Deyette is a fashion and trend lifestyle expert who has been featured on Bravo's Millionaire Matchmaker and TLC's Ten Years Younger, as well as in print publications including Good Housekeeping, The Washington Post, and O Magazine. Apply for your chance to win a Playtex Bra Makeover today. The last day to apply is Friday, May 21st, 2010.
The 10 winners selected for a Bra Makeover will also star in their very own webisode wherein a makeover candidate will receive a fitting with Deyette and walk away with the perfect Playtex products. A new webisode will premier on every two weeks.
Thanks to MomSelect for filling me in on this.
Note: By posting this information, I am entered into a contest to win a free bra from Playtex. I did not receive any compensation for this post and thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
We know that busy moms don't always have time to update their bras or even check to make sure they are wearing the correct size. Wrong size bras can result in an ill fit for the rest of their outfit, back and shoulder pain, as well as bruising and digging.
That's why I am letting you know about this contest from Playtex!, a site where women can go to apply for a bra makeover or nominate a friend. If chosen, the winner will be flown to New York to receive a Bra Makeover with style expert Alison Deyette. Deyette is a fashion and trend lifestyle expert who has been featured on Bravo's Millionaire Matchmaker and TLC's Ten Years Younger, as well as in print publications including Good Housekeeping, The Washington Post, and O Magazine. Apply for your chance to win a Playtex Bra Makeover today. The last day to apply is Friday, May 21st, 2010.
The 10 winners selected for a Bra Makeover will also star in their very own webisode wherein a makeover candidate will receive a fitting with Deyette and walk away with the perfect Playtex products. A new webisode will premier on every two weeks.
Thanks to MomSelect for filling me in on this.
Note: By posting this information, I am entered into a contest to win a free bra from Playtex. I did not receive any compensation for this post and thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Door to Door Organics Review
Recently my husband got a new job and one of the very cool benefits was the option to join the companies organic produce co-op. The co-op is through an outside company Door to Door Organics. I jumped on the chance! I love getting good organic produce but hate that I have to go to 3 different stores to get everything I want, which can really set me back physically.
I was directed to their website to sign up, which was super simple. Then I had to make a call directly to them to be added to the companies co-op. (You can join with out a co-op and have it delivered directly to your home if the have a delivery route in your area or it can be sent UPS for a small fee.)
From there I picked my box size (they multiple box choices including fruit and veggie mix or fruit only or veggie only all in different sizes) and how frequently I wanted a delivery.
Each week prior to your delivery they will send you next weeks "menu" and if there is something on your "menu" you don't care for you can substitute another option (this was my primary worry about signing up for a "co-op" because I remember other "co-ops" where it was you got what they had and that was it).
After I placed my order I forgot about it until I got a phone call from my husband saying he had a box of fruit and veggies for me! Yayyy!
Once the box was home I jumped right in to see my goodies. I ordered The Small box which included:
4 - Gala Apples
4 - Oranges
4 - Pears
5 - Bananas
1 - Avocado
2 - Cucumbers
6 - Yams
A head of Romaine Lettuce
A bunch of carrots with the tops on
A container of cherry tomatoes
A stalk of celery
A head of broccoli
Everything was extremely fresh and in great condition. I rinsed everything off since some of it was still dirty from the field, which was actually really comforting to me knowing that even after picked it wasn't "processed" with anything since some other "organic" produce is "cleaned" with more than water before it is sent out, and put it away.
Over the last several days we've been making our way through everything and everything has been great! The pears are some of the best I've had in a long time and my son devoured the bananas. My husband said the apples were extremely juicy. Ans the lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, celery and avocado made a great salad for dinner last night!
We made a great choice in joining the Door to Door Organics, and I am looking forward to my next delivery!
I was directed to their website to sign up, which was super simple. Then I had to make a call directly to them to be added to the companies co-op. (You can join with out a co-op and have it delivered directly to your home if the have a delivery route in your area or it can be sent UPS for a small fee.)
From there I picked my box size (they multiple box choices including fruit and veggie mix or fruit only or veggie only all in different sizes) and how frequently I wanted a delivery.
Each week prior to your delivery they will send you next weeks "menu" and if there is something on your "menu" you don't care for you can substitute another option (this was my primary worry about signing up for a "co-op" because I remember other "co-ops" where it was you got what they had and that was it).
After I placed my order I forgot about it until I got a phone call from my husband saying he had a box of fruit and veggies for me! Yayyy!
Once the box was home I jumped right in to see my goodies. I ordered The Small box which included:
4 - Gala Apples
4 - Oranges
4 - Pears
5 - Bananas
1 - Avocado
2 - Cucumbers
6 - Yams
A head of Romaine Lettuce
A bunch of carrots with the tops on
A container of cherry tomatoes
A stalk of celery
A head of broccoli
Everything was extremely fresh and in great condition. I rinsed everything off since some of it was still dirty from the field, which was actually really comforting to me knowing that even after picked it wasn't "processed" with anything since some other "organic" produce is "cleaned" with more than water before it is sent out, and put it away.
Over the last several days we've been making our way through everything and everything has been great! The pears are some of the best I've had in a long time and my son devoured the bananas. My husband said the apples were extremely juicy. Ans the lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, celery and avocado made a great salad for dinner last night!
We made a great choice in joining the Door to Door Organics, and I am looking forward to my next delivery!
Door to door organics,
Follow Me Back Tuesday
Follow Me Back Tuesday is another day of the week that you can gain more followers and find other great blogs to follow on a weekly basis.
Follow Me Back Tuesday is hosted by Survey Junkie, Little Yaya's, Review Retreat & Boobies,Babies And A Blog..
It's a great way to start off your week & get more BF's !!
How it Works
Follow ALL of the Hostesses
(leave them a comment so they can follow you back)
(leave them a comment so they can follow you back)
- Add your blog to the list ( only have to add once )
- Grab our button & the link code to post on your blog
- Start to follow as many blogs as you would like ( make sure you leave a comment so they can follow you back )
- And when you receive a comment from a new follower return the favor & follow them backIt's a great way to start off your week & get more BF's !!It's Easy PeaseyNew Code will be available Every Tuesday at 12:00 AM Est. on all 4 Hostesses Blogs
Monday, May 17, 2010
Me meet Brick-wall - Brick-wall meet me
Well it is official me and the brick-wall have become very closely acquainted as of recently. If I do anything "out of the ordinary" my body yells and screams at me. We went to a baseball game Saturday evening then went to a visit a friend who just had a baby last week on Sunday, so I didn't get the chance to do "nothing" all weekend and recoup from my week and boy am I paying for it.
I have an appt. with my nuero next week and hopefully he can do something to help me with these ongoing symptoms. I'd cross my fingers but even my hands hurt to much for something like that.
I have an appt. with my nuero next week and hopefully he can do something to help me with these ongoing symptoms. I'd cross my fingers but even my hands hurt to much for something like that.
New Target Stock Up Coupons!
Head over to for a whole slew of new coupons. There are some great stock up options there.
My Fav is:
Crystal Light Product $1.97
Use three $1 off 1 Cyrstal Light Pure Fitness Drink Mix Printable (IE) or Printable (FF)
And $1 off 3 Crystal Light Target Printable
You pay $0.64 each using the coupons when you buy three!
Also a good one:
Nabisco 100 Calorie Packs
Use two buy one get one free printables
and Target Printable buy 3 get one free
You pay for one and get three free after the coupons!
Not bad!
Thanks Rockin Deals
My Fav is:
Crystal Light Product $1.97
Use three $1 off 1 Cyrstal Light Pure Fitness Drink Mix Printable (IE) or Printable (FF)
And $1 off 3 Crystal Light Target Printable
You pay $0.64 each using the coupons when you buy three!
Also a good one:
Nabisco 100 Calorie Packs
Use two buy one get one free printables
and Target Printable buy 3 get one free
You pay for one and get three free after the coupons!
Not bad!
Thanks Rockin Deals
Friday, May 14, 2010
Garage Sale Season is Here!
It's official garage sale season is here! Every neighborhood street corner is littered with countless inviting signs. I love me some good garage sales. Nothing like digging through others peoples junk to find some magnificent piece of something to barter down to a quarter for. There is just some evil pull of garage sales I can't escape.
Today I actually did really good! I resisted many glittering temptations and returned with things we "needed".

Might be good if I actually rode my bike at all or if seconds after this was taken Colin hadn't fallen face first out of the car and is now terrified of it.
So what fun buys have you got at garage sales?
Today I actually did really good! I resisted many glittering temptations and returned with things we "needed".

Might be good if I actually rode my bike at all or if seconds after this was taken Colin hadn't fallen face first out of the car and is now terrified of it.
So what fun buys have you got at garage sales?
Garage Sales
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Social Parade Wednesday
It's Social Parade time again! Smart and Trendy Moms are hosting and you can go to their website to sign up.Grab the button, write a post and link up to gain new readers and find great blogs to follow.
Please leave me a comment telling me you're following and I'll follow back.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Need a trip to the nuero.
I give in, it's time to make an appt. with my nuero. I've been putting it off for months now since my insurance changed and I've been feeling fine. But no more procrastinating. I am getting the occasional "dancing lights" in my field of vision. Not good. Probably means a new lesion, not good at all. Also probably means time for an new MRI. Very not good on the pocket book. Oh well got to do what I got to do to keep my self in decent condition.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Monday Madness
What is Monday Madness?
Monday Madness was created by us: mommy bloggers Micael and Meghan. Mommy, daddy, single, stay at home parent, working parent, blogger, non-blogger, pie lover, pie hater (who hates pie, seriously?)…. it doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, Monday’s tend to be crazy, right? So we thought we would bring a little fun into your Monday routine. And at the same time you’ll get to check out new blogs, network with others, make new friends and connections – multitasking at its best!
So what do I do to participate?
It’s really easy to participate with us! Just follow the steps below and you’ll be set!
1.Follow the hostess blogs at Saving Obsession and The Tuckers Take Tennessee for some Madness Lovin’.
2.Grab the McLinky code and make a post on your blog about Monday Madness, so more people can join in the fun! Also grab the Monday Madness button on the right.
3.Add your blog name and link to the McLinky below.
4.Check out some of the blogs on the list and follow ones you like. Leave a comment to let them know you’re from Monday Madness.
5.If someone follows your blog, follow them back to keep the Madness going.
That’s it! Visit and follow as few or as many blogs as you’d like!
MS Walk Update and Happy Mothers Day!
I know I'm a day late and a dollar short but a Very Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms out there. I hope you had a great day.
We had a very nice day! We went out to a yummy brunch at Station 885 in Old Town Plymouth. So good! The spread was great! They had everything from made to order omelets to french toast to lasagna to smoked salmon to a whole table of drool worthy desserts and much much more. The atmosphere was perfect! Even though it was busy and every table was full it didn't seem like it. They staggered the reservations perfectly! Very enjoyable time!
Saturday was was Walk MS at Comerica Park in Detroit. Even though it was windy and cold overall we had a good time.
My team did great! Team Sweet Tater raised over $1,700! Way to go!
The day itself left much to be desired in the weather category. Any way you cut it 30 mph gusting winds and 44 degrees are not ideal conditions to walk down your own block let alone walk 3 miles in the heart of downtown!
Colin was with me for the walk and he really did not appreciate the wind. We came around a corner and the wind hit him square in the face and that was it. He cried the whole rest of the walk. 2 miles later with a screaming child and aching body I managed to finish the walk! It was a struggle but I did it! Every last step!
I'm very proud of myself but today I am paying for it! My body is not happy with me. Oh well some pain killers and off to bed early for me tonight!
We had a very nice day! We went out to a yummy brunch at Station 885 in Old Town Plymouth. So good! The spread was great! They had everything from made to order omelets to french toast to lasagna to smoked salmon to a whole table of drool worthy desserts and much much more. The atmosphere was perfect! Even though it was busy and every table was full it didn't seem like it. They staggered the reservations perfectly! Very enjoyable time!
Saturday was was Walk MS at Comerica Park in Detroit. Even though it was windy and cold overall we had a good time.
My team did great! Team Sweet Tater raised over $1,700! Way to go!
The day itself left much to be desired in the weather category. Any way you cut it 30 mph gusting winds and 44 degrees are not ideal conditions to walk down your own block let alone walk 3 miles in the heart of downtown!
Colin was with me for the walk and he really did not appreciate the wind. We came around a corner and the wind hit him square in the face and that was it. He cried the whole rest of the walk. 2 miles later with a screaming child and aching body I managed to finish the walk! It was a struggle but I did it! Every last step!
I'm very proud of myself but today I am paying for it! My body is not happy with me. Oh well some pain killers and off to bed early for me tonight!
Mother's Day,
Old Town Plymouth,
Station 885
Friday, May 7, 2010
Reached our team goal flat on my ass!
Well my team has reached its goal for Walk MS tomorrow and went sprinting right on pass!!
But I've been flat on my ass for the last two days. MS-onster has reared its head and happily put me there. I have been so tired and sore I've had to fight to get up in the mornings, which isn't normal.
And my adorable son hasn't been helping much. 2 nights ago Colin decided that 4 hours after he went to bed , right around 11:15pm would be the perfect time to wake mommy and daddy up so he could play. Almost 2 hours later after much pleading and bribing (which unfortunately doesn't work yet) and a good amount of tears from both him and me we managed to get everyone back to bed. That morning 5am came much to fast!
So just trying to keep myself together for tomorrow to make it through the walk!
But I've been flat on my ass for the last two days. MS-onster has reared its head and happily put me there. I have been so tired and sore I've had to fight to get up in the mornings, which isn't normal.
And my adorable son hasn't been helping much. 2 nights ago Colin decided that 4 hours after he went to bed , right around 11:15pm would be the perfect time to wake mommy and daddy up so he could play. Almost 2 hours later after much pleading and bribing (which unfortunately doesn't work yet) and a good amount of tears from both him and me we managed to get everyone back to bed. That morning 5am came much to fast!
So just trying to keep myself together for tomorrow to make it through the walk!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
MS Walk!!!!!!!!!!
This weekend is the MS Walk!!!!!!!!
This year has been great ... so far ...
I've raised more money than ever and so has my team. The shirts I made for the team came out great. The new tennies I got are super comfy.
Everything is great, right? WRONG!!!!!!
Lets see - the weather forecast - rainy windy and freaking cold. No not just a cold spring day, we're talking end of winter cold!! Then there is mom-in-law - she screwed up her ankle big time and instead of sitting out the walk she wants someone to push her in a wheelchair the whole route. Oh and did I mention that she wants me to find her a wheelchair to borrow for the day. Hmm - let me get right on that.
So to sum it up - a 3 mile walk on a cold miserable rainy day with my 14 month old son in his stroller and mom-in-law in a wheelchair that I am suppose to make magically appear. Hmm not sounding quite as enjoyable as I hoped.
Oh well - got to roll with it! We raised a lot of money for a great organization. There will be a lot of great people there. And best of all I'm still able to actually walk the walk!
This year has been great ... so far ...
I've raised more money than ever and so has my team. The shirts I made for the team came out great. The new tennies I got are super comfy.
Everything is great, right? WRONG!!!!!!
Lets see - the weather forecast - rainy windy and freaking cold. No not just a cold spring day, we're talking end of winter cold!! Then there is mom-in-law - she screwed up her ankle big time and instead of sitting out the walk she wants someone to push her in a wheelchair the whole route. Oh and did I mention that she wants me to find her a wheelchair to borrow for the day. Hmm - let me get right on that.
So to sum it up - a 3 mile walk on a cold miserable rainy day with my 14 month old son in his stroller and mom-in-law in a wheelchair that I am suppose to make magically appear. Hmm not sounding quite as enjoyable as I hoped.
Oh well - got to roll with it! We raised a lot of money for a great organization. There will be a lot of great people there. And best of all I'm still able to actually walk the walk!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Welcome to my blog!
I have decided to start this blog to share the joys and struggles I experience being a mommy with MS (Multiple Sclerosis).
The Background:
In August 2006 I woke up one morning to find my pinkie finger and my ring finger on my left hand numb. I blew it off to sleeping funny and didn't think about it. But then it continued for several days eventually progressing to the point my hand and left arm from my elbow down was numb.
I went to see my regular doctor who ruled out a pinched nerve and all the basic things that would cause something like this to happen. So now on to a specialist to try to figure it out. I thought he was going to say an orthopedic specialist or something along those lines but nope - off to a neurologist for me.
After several test in the nueros office he sent me for an MRI. In under 48 hours since my MRI I received the call that would change my life - it was the nuero telling me I have MS. Talk about devastating! We went in the office the next day to go over everything and what this meant and what my steps were.
First we had to get the current "flare up" I was having under control. That meant 3 days of high dosage steroids via IV, followed up by another ten days of oral steroids. While that got me the majority of the feeling back in my arm, the first 2 fingers that went numb are still that way.
After that I started on my disease modifying drugs which means I get to inject myself everyday for the rest of my life (unless by some miracle a cure is found in my lifetime).
I have now been on my meds for 3 and a half years and luckily have only suffered minor "flare ups" since my main one. I still live with the other issues that come from MS daily, including major fatigue, digestive issues, and memory issues.
The Cast in this crazy journey:
Me: Nikki
A late 20 something with MS. Mommy, wife, worker-bee, and one sarcastic bi... I mean brat!
The Husband: Mike
My supporter, both emotionally and sometimes literally. A great father. And a man of incredible patience - he has to be if he married me.
The Son: Colin
14 month old mister independent!
The Supporting Characters:
The Cats: Max and Loin
More commonly called idiot and dumbass. But we love them.
The Mother-In-Law
An awesome women who is there for what ever we could need who fights her own demon of Fibromyalgia.
My Mom
She did always teach me if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything.
Bosses 1 and 2
Umm well ...
And others to be introduced at a later date!
The Background:
In August 2006 I woke up one morning to find my pinkie finger and my ring finger on my left hand numb. I blew it off to sleeping funny and didn't think about it. But then it continued for several days eventually progressing to the point my hand and left arm from my elbow down was numb.
I went to see my regular doctor who ruled out a pinched nerve and all the basic things that would cause something like this to happen. So now on to a specialist to try to figure it out. I thought he was going to say an orthopedic specialist or something along those lines but nope - off to a neurologist for me.
After several test in the nueros office he sent me for an MRI. In under 48 hours since my MRI I received the call that would change my life - it was the nuero telling me I have MS. Talk about devastating! We went in the office the next day to go over everything and what this meant and what my steps were.
First we had to get the current "flare up" I was having under control. That meant 3 days of high dosage steroids via IV, followed up by another ten days of oral steroids. While that got me the majority of the feeling back in my arm, the first 2 fingers that went numb are still that way.
After that I started on my disease modifying drugs which means I get to inject myself everyday for the rest of my life (unless by some miracle a cure is found in my lifetime).
I have now been on my meds for 3 and a half years and luckily have only suffered minor "flare ups" since my main one. I still live with the other issues that come from MS daily, including major fatigue, digestive issues, and memory issues.
The Cast in this crazy journey:
Me: Nikki
A late 20 something with MS. Mommy, wife, worker-bee, and one sarcastic bi... I mean brat!
The Husband: Mike
My supporter, both emotionally and sometimes literally. A great father. And a man of incredible patience - he has to be if he married me.
The Son: Colin
14 month old mister independent!
The Supporting Characters:
The Cats: Max and Loin
More commonly called idiot and dumbass. But we love them.
The Mother-In-Law
An awesome women who is there for what ever we could need who fights her own demon of Fibromyalgia.
My Mom
She did always teach me if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything.
Bosses 1 and 2
Umm well ...
And others to be introduced at a later date!
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